NOM NOM is for cats & dogs but for some reason dogs are the only ones getting the love. What would happen if cats took over as community manager of NOM NOM's socials in a CAT TAKEOVER.
We noticed that your social featured solely dogs. Did you think we were just going to roll over and take it? Actually, we can’t roll over. But we do have a few tricks of our own. Nom Nom, you’ve officially been cat hacked.
Nom Nom’s social accounts are going to get weird as the cats figure out the correct algorithms. The goal is to create noise and make people notice that Nom Nom’s social could possibly be hacked.
The cats are over it and decide to take matters into their own paws.
Now that it’s even, NOM NOM will offer a BOGO coupon available for both cat AND dog owners on their new website featuring BOTH cats and dogs. The humans will ensure both cats and dogs are featured on the social pages going forward.
*Coupon available only on National Cat Day.
Emma Ward, Art Director